Tell Czech Republic to ban bears living in captivity in the town of Český Krumlov!

  • von: Zoë Raven
  • empfänger: Czech Republic gouvernement

Last year, I went on a school trip to central Europe with my grade 8 class and one of the places we visited was Český Krumlov. Český Krumlov is a beautiful and magical town in the Czech Republic.  Our guide explained everything about the history of this town and I was falling more and more in love with this place until she told us the following.  We passed over a bridge and than she stopped and pointed at a very big rock surrounded by greenery that was blocked off on each side.  The area was very small. She continued to tell us that a family of three bears were living there. She said that bears have been living there for as long as the Middle Ages to scare off any ennemies willing to invade. She also said that there was no word in Czech for "bear" because they are still afraid of these majestic and sentient animals that constantly hear people walking, laughing and taking pictures over them. But we are not in the Middle Ages anymore so why remove them from their their natural environment and families when they are little and let them suffer in this way. This is not ok!  They are living, breathing creatures just like you and me! They shouldn't have to endure people day and night! Tell Czech Republic to ban bears living in captivity in the town of Český Krumlov now and set them free or send them to a reputable sanctuary. They deserve better!

P.S In 2019, I don't believe that the Czech people are still afraid of bears and there is no threat of invasions.  I think the bears are being used simply to attract tourists when there is no need.  The town itself is a unique and enchanting place to visit without this cruelty!

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