Punish Canadian Animal Hoarders Of 100++ Animals; Ban Them From Any Future Pets!!

  • von: SUE LEE
  • empfänger: Winnepeg, Canada Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to punish all animal hoarders like the Chernecki’s in Canada and further ban these people from ever owning another animal.

Many people who begin animal hoarding do not do so with ill intentions; they have an overwhelming need to help unfortunate species, taking in more than they can handle in the long run. Such is the case with Peter and Judith Chernecki, a couple who “made it a business” out of collecting animals. They were found with 64 dogs and 40 cats, so many of them in deplorable conditions.

Most of the animals were emaciated and covered in feces. 34 of the dogs were so far gone, health wise, that they had to be euthanized. The animals were discovered at a property in Lull Lake, northeast of Winnipeg in Canada. Their dogs were kept inside two buildings with no windows and were never allowed outside. Only two puppies were found. Authorities speculate that the neglected adult dogs were eating the newborns.

Peter Chernecki actually built shelves inside the room where the dogs were kept to add more space for more animals. The result was a relatively safe perch for the dominant dogs, removed from the puddles of urine, piles of feces and the worst of the fighting. The little ones couldn't get up there. This was not just a case of over-extending ones need to take in less-fortunate animals. The couple has maintained that they were trying to help out a bunch of stray animals that were left in a local landfill. However, this was a well-thought out plan of hoarding, cruelty and abuse.

Very few of these animals were adoptable. Most were either too ill, scarred from fights and/or extremely too aggressive because of lack of socializing. Very few were friendly and most have not even been taken for walks. The veterinarian who tried to help all the animals stated that “this is the worst case of animal neglect I have seen in 14 years as a vet.”

The Chernecki lawyer is working towards leniency for this abusive couple with probation rather than jail time and fines. Additionally, these folks could actually own animals again within five years!!!! We need to demand the harshest punishment possible by law, fines and jail time, plus never to own another animal the rest of their lives. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to punish all animal hoarders like the Chernecki’s in Canada and further ban these people from ever owning another animal.


Winnipeg, Canada Judicial Services – Please ensure that Peter and Judith Chernecki receive the harshest punishment possible by law, fines and jail time, plus never to own another animal the rest of their lives. They fully intended to take in more animals than they could care for, building spaces and shelves to home them without proper food, water, socialization and fitness necessary for healthy animals. This was not a mistake but premeditated, resulting in the abuse, cruelty and neglect of so many precious beings! They need to be punished severely and never be allowed to go near another animal for the rest of their lives!


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