Your Comments Ask Why Is This Happening?
The bikers have formed well organized tiny clubs, compared to the huge numbers of hikers. They are educated, young men w/ hi tech, legal, political, PR, media & social media skills. ie.Marin Bike Coalition.,Access 4 Bikes, school clubs & more. They have become extremely strong politically.
Put non-existent, beside all the attributes above for our side. Our side has nothing like the above going for it.
In fact the only groups that I've come across focused on Trails are the Foot People in Marin. Also the Alliance for Safe Trails; they are fighting mountain bikers to keep their horses safe.
We must get organized to save our trails, for little kids, hikers and wildflowers. Call me. 510-520-9782 Please let's get organized! Jordan Hermann
Otherwise if the bikers can take Easy Grade, eventually they'll get any trail they want.
1-Pushed and partially paid for by the Marin Bicycle Coalition, Access4Bikes, etc. Mount Tamalpais State Park (MTSP ) is currently planning to build a mountain bike route through one of the most diverse and richest communities of rare, threatened and endangered endemic wildflowers and plants in the entire State.
Mt.Tam itself is home to 73 locally endemic plants and wildflowers.
Two of these rare endemic wildflowers, Mt.Tam Jewel Flower photo above, Oakland Star Lily and one endangered plant, Mt.Tam Manzanita, have been photographed along Easy Grade Trail. (to see the photos, Google, "Help Save Mt.Tam Meetup".)
2-Doreen Smith, Chair of the Marin Chapter of the Calif.Native Plant Society, said the following about the location of the proposed trail construction, "This trail covers an unsurpassed, diverse selection, of the Mt. Tam. plant communities."
3-Many trees will be cut down in this beautiful, deeply forested part of Mt.Tam.
4-Allowing mountain bikes on this steep, narrow trail will compromise the safety of all hikers who use the Easy Grade Trail. It is widely known that many hikers and walkers have suffered serious injuries when rundown, by speeding downhill cyclists.
5-It is also well know and can be seen everywhere on the Mountain, the damage to the ground and eyesores the mountain bikers have created. Mountain bikers are stealth users of the park trails at night. Their headlights can be seen from a distance on many nights. In addition to riding the single track trails day and night the mountain bikers will go off trail and cause more damage to Mt.Tam's fragile plant communities.
6-The endangered California Newt crosses Easy Grade Trail, especially during mating season. Many Newts will be crushed under mountain bike tires. Colonies of Acorn and Pileated Woodpeckers live along the trail, their habitat will be greatly disturbed.
7-Then there is the additional damage done to the ecosystems and other bird habitat, etc. by the construction, cutting of treeing, changing ancient drainage patterns etc.
8-(This issue is the only controversial one, of the eight listed here. The science is certainly not complete on this matter)
Studies are needed of the asbestos laced Serpentine running through the Easy Grade Trail area. During construction and later; Serpentine lased with asbestos may constantly be crushed under mountain bike tires.
If asbestos fiber laden dust occurs, it poses a serious health threat. Whether kicked up by mountain bike tires and/or blown up by the wind. (This could happen wherever bike tires crush Serpentine.) Investigation of this health risk is needed before proceeding.
If you want to do more about this? Here is the address of the Director of California State Parks. If enough of us write, it could help turn the tide. Jordan
(This petition is singlelarily produced by Jordan Herrmann, as a citizen of the State of California.)
The ruling document for uses and care of MTSP is its General Plan(GP). Two provisions in the GP forbide mountain biking within MTSP.
1. According to the General Plan, Mountain Biking is an improper use of the Park's resources. It is not an activity that falls within the vision for, and the sensibilities of, Mt.Tamalpais lands.
2. The various habitats of MTSP have been categorized in the Plan; for what they can be used for. The habitat in the areas of Easy Grade Trail, are strictly forbidden to Mountain Biking.
MTSP staff in evaluating and giving approval so far for the trail proposal; ignored the State Park's GP for the Park.
To proceed with this work an amendment would be needed to the GP. Other agency and public comment would be needed before approving such an amendment. All this as been ignored.
Though the photo above is a pretty shot of Tam lands. Notice the condition of the fence. The off trail/trail erosion. This scene is a, "drop in the bucket" shot, of vast amount of deferred maintenance the Park is suffering. But my question is this; with the vast about of restoration work, the park needs; how in the world does the MTSP staff and the Marin District staff, have all the time needed to pursue getting approval for, and then building, a Mountain Biking Trail? Their jobs should be to conserve the Park. Not degrade it and its precious resources further, by creating a Mountain Biking Trail.
Below is part of the Mission Statement for a Mountain Biking Group called, "Open Minds Open Trails",at Go there to see what we are up against.
"A4B is all about getting fair and reasonable access for mountain bikers to the trails on our public lands in Marin. The reasons that access is currently so restricted are political in nature. A4B exists in order to address these political reasons with political solutions, ..... "
We need to form our own groups and vigorously support our position, otherwise we lose. Go to their website and see why, we lose.
(Since the Petition Applies to a California State Park, Please Only Sign if You Live in California, thanks.)
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