BARBARIC changes to the TNVR policy need changed!!!
FRIENDS, we are begging for your help. This is the time we need your help! BARBARIC changes have been made under Director Trebatoski and the animals need your voice now more than ever.
Attached in the comments is the old TNVR policy from 2017 and then the new revised policy dated 4/3/18 where amendments were made taking TNVR in Hillsborough county from an ethical practice to a barbaric practice. The 2018 policy allows for 3 Pound kittens to be thrown out on to the streets. The picture is of friendly cats and kittens that are now living on the streets... at least we hope they are alive. We believe some of these cats and kittens are becoming little more than food for predators such as Coyotes thus helping their population explode (we have no data on this yet but we are beginning to suspect this is the case). Many in the cat and veterinarian community are appalled by this practice that deviates from the RIGHT way to TVNR. WHILE MANY IN THE ANIMAL COMMUNITY do support TNVR the right way, (including us) THIS IS NOT THE WAY! This is an unethical and cruel way to reduce the numbers at the shelter thus designed to have Director Trebatoski look statistically more proficient at controlling the stray population than he actually is.
We have several videos of friendly cats and kittens that were ultimately sent to the streets of Tampa that we can share.
The revisions Director Trebatoski made to the program in 2018 are heartbreaking and in our opinion cruel. WE WANT TNVR DONE THE RIGHT WAY.
**** The worst change in our opinion is the "6 month old" guideline changed to 3lbs. Typically most kittens weigh 3lbs at 3 months although sometimes they can be even younger.
**** The ear tipping guideline was removed, we are not stating that they do not always ear tip but since it was removed it is not policy
**** The caretaker wording was removed as well. These cats are released back onto the streets without anyone to care for them? No food, water, or anyone to monitor them for serious illness? We strongly believe a care taker should be available so when a large number of cats go missing that can be reported. It could be due to alligators, coyote activity, human cruelty, or a disease and should be monitored so cats are not released in that area.
**** While the guidelines state “behavior will not be factored into the decision to return an outdoor cat to its original location” we believe that needs to change. It is cruel. The lack of human compassion is astounding and unbelievable. While we strongly support TNVR for FERAL cats with a caretaker that are at least 6 months, we do not believe friendly cats, much less friendly kittens, belong placed back onto the streets.
One other fun fact... Director Trebatoski himself at the last AAC meeting stated that microchips are cheap, he can get them for around $3.00 a piece.. Why do they not chip these cats, lets track the cats. Director Trebatoski is all about his live releases, he should want to see how great these cats fare on the streets of Tampa.
The two biggest issues that need changed are the age needs to be pushed back to 6 months and the behavior needs to be a factor. Friendly cats should be placed for adoption not on the streets.
On a side note the kitten we saved from the HSTB truck being ready to release her in YBOR, a friendly little kitten was on a truck ready to be dumped..... she slept soundly last night in a foster home purring and safe on a couch. We need change NOW! This weekend friendly kittens will be sent to the streets of Tampa again... will you stand up and say it is wrong? Will you be the voice they need?
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