the cats are in danger because people are hurting them even when they did nothing wrong cats are being abused please sign to save the cats and stop the cat cruelty

Why is cat abuse bad?
When abuse occurs during a sensitive stage of a cat's development, it can have a profound impact on the rest of their life, even if the cat is subsequently removed from the abusive environment. An older animal may bounce back from a bad situation, but a young, impressionable cat will show lasting mental scars.
How can we prevent cat abuse?
we can prevent cat abuse by doing these things 

Be a responsible pet owner. 

Be an example of kindness to other pets. 

Intervene if you witness animal cruelty, abuse or neglect. 

Report animal cruelty, abuse or neglect. 

Teach your children to have respect for animals. 

Demand stricter laws for the protection of animals

and cats do not forgive you for abusing them and you will lose their trust 

and they are abused every 60 seconds 

You may also ask should you go to jail for kicking a cat?
California Penal Code § 597 PC prohibits animal abuse or cruelty, which the code defines as maliciously killing, harming, maiming, or torturing a living animal. The offense can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony and carries a sentence of up to 3 years in jail or prison
and there is more but that is just some reasons so please stop cat abuse 
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