Demand an immediate end to St Mary's Church Appledore killing doves and pigeons

  • von: Sue K
  • empfänger: Diocese of Exeter

Without public consultation St Mary's Church started trapping and killing doves and pigeons that have nested in a tower. The church was presented with non-lethal options. However, it is not willing to stop the killing. We want one of the many humane means to deter birds to be used; there are many such means, and we are disappointed that the church chose destruction as its first option.

Update #2vor 7 Jahren
Success! Petitioning and press have won the day. Thank you for adding to the public pressure; every signature helped. All the best
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Dear All, first, many thanks for taking the time to support this cause. It seems petitions DO work, as we understand the church is on the brink of promising to end this cull! As soon as this is confirmed, I will update you again.
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