Ask Macy’s to stop selling animal fur handbags & keychain fobs!
- von: Maura Kelley
- empfänger: Terry J. Lundgren, CEO and Jeffrey Gennette, president of Macy’s department stores
Macy's department stores are selling animal fur-covered handbags and pom-pom animal fur key chains from designer Patricia Nash, made from animal fur from China - fox, raccoon, rabbit and calf hair. It is well known through undercover exposés from PETA, and others, that these animal 'fur farms' go unregulated and these investigations have brought to light horrific and brutal treatment of animals in these 'farms'. As consumers and concerned citizens for the prevention of animal abuse and exploitation, we are appalled that a store with Macy's reputation would offer products to customers that are made with fox, raccoon, rabbit fur and calf hair from China (and other countries) where humane treatment of animals can not be verified, nor can their supply chains.
Many other high-end designers have eliminated fur and other animal parts from their fashion designs. We are asking Macy's to switch the products in their stores to designers that have stopped using animal fur and animal parts in their products. Macy's has the opportunity to be a national retail leader in the right direction by removing these products from their stores. A woman can be just as beautiful without a fox or rabbit fur-covered handbag on her arm, or a pom-pom fox fur keychain in her hand. Please add YOUR voice!
I ask that Macy’s department stores stop selling designer, Patricia Nash’s handbags, key chains and other products that are made with animal fur. These products are made with animal fur- fox, raccoon, rabbit and calf hair from China and other countries where treatment of ‘farmed’ animals goes unregulated and where undercover investigations bring to light horrifically brutal treatment of animals. I am appalled that a store such as Macy’s would offer products to customers that are made from animal fur where humane treatment of animals cannot be verified nor can their supply chains.
Many other high-end designers have eliminated fur and other animal parts from their fashion designs. I ask that you switch the products in your store to designers that have stopped using animal fur and animal parts in their products and to become a national retail leader for positive change by removing these products from your stores.
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Friends PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION Every single fur farm that PETA Asia has visited in China, world's top fur exporter, has been beyond cruel: Investigators witnessed foxes being electrocuted, dogs bludgeoned to death, raccoon dogs skinned alive. New Asia investigation into 3 massive fur farms in China shows HORRIBLE ANIMAL ABUSE - Rabbits were still kicking and twitching as the skin was torn off their bodies.
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