Tell ABC to challenge Trump’s debate lies in real time, to his face

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are set to debate on September 10th, on ABC. And one thing is certain — Trump will tell lie after lie after lie.

ABC must call out Trump's obvious lies in real time, during the debate, and to his face. Not after, during post-debate analysis, when people are no longer watching.

ABC has top-notch journalists, researchers and fact checkers, and together they have the ability to call BS nearly instantaneously. They routinely call out lies in real time during regular interviews, and they can and should do it here as well -- whether or not Trump likes it. 

Let's have a real debate — one where facts matter. Not another useless one where the moderators sit there like mannequins, doing nothing to push back on obvious whoppers.

Add your name: Tell ABC to challenge out Trump's debate lies in real time.

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