California End Savage Practice of Hounding Bears and Big Cats!

Hounding – the use of packs of dogs to chase and tree another animal as part of a hunt is unsporting, unethical and inhumane.  California is one of the few states to still allow the use of hounds to hunt bears and bobcats, but we have the chance to end this terrible practice. 

The California Assembly is about to vote on a bill to ban the use of packs of dogs to chase and tree predators in the state.  Over 80% of Californian's oppose this type of hunting and would like to see it made illegal. As Ted Lieu, the Chairman of the Senate Labor Committee said " It is an inhumane practice. It's been likened to shooting animals at the zoo."

Even states that are as pro-hunting as Montana have banned the use of hounds for hunting bears and big cats, referring to the practice as "a violation of the state's fair-chase principals".

California should be leading the way in its humane and ethical treatment of our native wildlife and domestic pets.  Please tell the State Assembly to vote in favor of banning hounding when it comes up for a vote.

For more information on hounding please see this article that recently appeared at

 Important points about hounding:

    • Animals are chased by dogs until they become exhausted and attempt to escape by climbing a tree where they are then shot by hunters

    •  The dogs used in this form of hunting are frequently injured by the animals they are pursuing 

    • Other, non-targeted wildlife may be traumatized, chased or killed while hounds are chasing prey

    •  Braying hounds interfere with the quiet enjoyment of nature by third parties

    • 14 other states that allow bear hunting have already banned hounding because if violates “fair-chase” principals

Dear California State Assembly Members

We the undersigned hereby request that you vote to ban the practice of hunting with hounds -- aka "hounding" within the state of California.

Hounding is considered inhumane to both the hounds and the animals they pursue, it endangers non-targeted wildlife and disrupts the quiet enjoyment of nature by third parties.

14 states that allow the hunting of bears have already banned the use of dogs in pursuit of other animals. California should not let a small but vocal group of hunters that wish to practice an activity opposed by 80% of Californians dicate policy.  

Please act in the stead of California's wild and domestic animals as well of the majority of the population by putting an end to this abhorrent form of animal abuse.



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