We strongly urge Princeton University to stop torturing primates and small animals in Princeton’s Green Hall. The tri-state area Anti-Vivisection Alliance is one of the Garden State's most heinous sites of wanton animal torture for money, rumored recently as a grant for many millions of dollars.: Emily Aronson, the university’s spokesperson in 2010, presented the research as "significant discoveries that benefit humankind." Matt Fair discovered this study two years ago via the NIH and wrote an article, stating "Princeton University filed projects to study multi-sensory integration of faces and voices in primate-temporal lobes." Primates' throats, hands, and feet are permanently clamped to chairs, their heads scalped so their brains show, metal sensors are thrust into their eyes and ears. Some wake during the operations due to insufficient anesthesia. They're often denied water for 1 - 3 days, causing dehydration, burning throat, muscle cramps.
This research won’t cure human disease. Instead, it teaches students not to feel compassion, to feel instead a cynical indifference to suffering. And these students will become our surgeons. Using computers makes
more sense and are more reliable. Consider whether a three- or five-year-old human child might think, "Why are you doing this to me?" So does a primate! Tell Princeton to shut down this outdated, horrendous, unwarranted animal testing program, “ … a profit-driven parody of empirical science, resulting in horrible suffering and death for the primates, rabbits, cats, guinea pigs and other sentient animals trapped in Princeton's laboratories of vivisection torture.”atrocities routinely occurring due to Princeton "researchers" carelessness and cynical indifference to the precious living beings at their mercy.”
April Silverman
PO Box 166
21 Darien Court
New Hope, PA 18938
February 13, 2013
Mr. Robert Durkee,
Vice President and Secretary of The Board.of Trustees
1 Nassau Hall, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544
Telephone: (609) 258-6428, durkee@princeton.edu
Dear M. Durkee:
I have written a petition to urge Princeton University to cease experimenting on live animals and to switch to modern methods of research, using technology, as much of the USA and Europe currently do. There is more to it than the research, however; the lab doesn't obey even the minimum of humane laws that Congress passed for the protection of lab animals, such as regular veterinarian visits, pain killers, providing enough anesthesia during operations, regular meals, and clean cages. Last night the President signed a bill into law, requiring the military to replace animals with modern, human(e)-based methods.
The signatures so far are from 50 states and about 79 countries on all continents. As of 10 PM today after less than 2 months, I have as follows:
1,399 signatures on CARE2's website;
1,995 signatures on Change.Org's website (just started 3 days ago)
104 on MoveOn's (SignOn's) website
Not only have I called/emailed TV news stations, but MoveOn Org. already sent over 1,500 letters to more than 600 newspapers across the USA. And Animal Rights Organizations, such as In Defense of Animals, are starting to take interest.
The link for the Change.Org petition is http://www.change.org/petitions/sadistic-torture-in-princeton-university. It is on the Home Page of Change.Org, as well.
The link for the CARE2 petition is http://www.thepetitionsite.com/503/336/449/sadistic-torture-in-princeton-university-wont-cure-any-human-disease/
Thank you for your attention and your time. Now, do something to modernize!
April Silverman
Home phone: 215-693-1012, cell phone: 215-432-9444