The so-called "Medical Medium", Anthony William, is not a doctor, and yet is diagnosing and treating patients, which is illegal. He claims to know better about diseases and medical conditions than doctors do, calls for patients to stop seeing doctors and following their doctor's guidance or taking medicines, attempts to "debunk" all illnesses by claiming they have causes other than their proven or known causes, prescribes herbs/supplements/diet/detoxes universally without concern for contraindications, dangers, or interactions, and claims that he is the only real intuitive healer ever and is guided by "spirit". His books and articles are being used in place of actual medical treatment (including replacing treatment by naturopathic doctors or other experts with the education and training to practice) and are used to invalidate and bully the ill. He is making some outrageous claims, and while (to some degree) free speech/free press applies, he is crossing the line into medical practice without a license. He is attempting to have a monopoly on health and healing (and taking advantage of the ill) by convincing people that he is the only one out there who actually knows what is really going on medically, and he is doing this for profit. The CDC/FDA/medical authorities need to tell him to stop making unfounded medical claims and diagnosing patients. Even just by calling himself "medical", he is crossing the line.
To the CDC and FDA of the USA,
We, medical patients and those who support the wellbeing of medical patients, request that you investigate Anthony William, the man claiming to be "The Medical Medium" for practicing medicine without a license, making fraudulent medical claims, and diagnosing patients. He is not a doctor or trained professional. The following is the content of our petition:
"The so-called "Medical Medium", Anthony William, is not a doctor, and yet is diagnosing and treating patients, which is illegal. He claims to know better about diseases and medical conditions than doctors do, calls for patients to stop seeing doctors and following their doctor's guidance or taking medicines, attempts to "debunk" all illnesses by claiming they have causes other than their proven or known causes, prescribes herbs/supplements/diet/detoxes universally without concern for contraindications, dangers, or interactions, and claims that he is the only real intuitive healer ever and is guided by "spirit". His books and articles are being used in place of actual medical treatment (even by naturopathic doctors or other experts with the education and training to practice) and are used to invalidate and bully the ill. He is making some outrageous claims, and while (to some degree) free speech/free press applies, he is crossing the line into medical practice without a license. He is attempting to have a monopoly on health and healing (and taking advantage of the ill) by convincing people that he is the only one out there who actually knows what is really going on medically, and he is doing this for profit. The CDC/FDA/medical authorities need to tell him to stop making unfounded medical claims and diagnosing patients. Even just by calling himself "medical", he is crossing the line."
Thank you!
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