More cities in Texas are trying to pass breed specific laws (BSL). If they are succesful, then that gives Texas the power to ban certain breeds of dogs from this state all together. A few breeds that are possibly on the hit list are: Chows, German Shepards, Akita's, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino and Presa Canario. Even if your dog isn't on this list, you are NOT safe. BSL starts by targeting the current "bad" dog breeds of society, and then moves on to target more and more breeds. No government should be able to ban any dog based on it's breed alone! 
It is important to note that not a single canine welfare organization supports Breed Specific Legislation, including the Humane Society of the United States

Why BSL does not work:

  • BSL does not improve public safety or prevent dog bites.
  • BSL ignores the plight of victims and potential victims of non-targeted breeds.
  • BSL is costly. 
  • BSL requires each and every dog to be identified as a breed - something that has proven impossible to do accurately and objectively.
  • BSL makes targeted breeds more desirable to irresponsible and criminal owners.
  • BSL does nothing to make irresponsible dog owners accountable.
  • BSL punishes responsible dog owners.

The American Temperament Test Society tests the temperaments of all breeds of dogs. The 2007 test results can be found at Let's point out some of the results:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier- Percentage Passed: 84.3%
  • American Staffordshire Terrier - Percentage Passed: 83.4%
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier- Percentage Passed: 88.8%
  • Presa Canario - Percentage Passed: 88.5%
  • Dogo Argentino - Percentage Passed: 90.0%
  • Dogo Canario - Percentage Passed: 100.0% 

Compare these "vicious" dogs targeted by the city's proposed BSL to these "family" dogs:

  • Golden Retriever - Percentage Passed: 84.2%
  • English Setter- Percentage Passed: 75.0%
  • Collie - Percentage Passed: 79.4%
  • Dachshund (Standard Smooth) - Percentage Passed: 70.2%

Does it seem fair to target specific breeds???


Please stand up with me against this. Every voice counts! Your voice counts! Please don't think that someone else will speak up for you.

We the undersigned, are deeply concerned by the increased amount of cities in Texas proposing Breed Specific Legislation. We think you should be aware that no canine welfare organization supports Breed Specific Legislation, including the Humane Society of the United States. Breed Specific Legislation does not improve public safety, ignores issues of non-targeted breeds of dogs, is costly, requires each and every dog to be identified as a breed - something that has proven impossible to do accurately and objectively, makes targeted breeds more desirable to irresponsible and criminal owners, does nothing to make irresponsible dog owners accountable, and punishes responsible dog owners.

We respectfully request that you reconsider your proposals for Breed Specific Legislation.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter of concern.
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