Tanzania: Ban Trophy Hunting around national parks permanently!

  • von: Jad Abou Zaher
  • empfänger: Tanzania Ministry for Natural Resources and Tourism

Tanzania allows wealthy American and European hunters to kill animals that have families and purposes for fun. The worst part is no one seems to care, and there are no direct actions being taken to stop this.

We must stop trophy hunting around the national parks in Tanzania as it is not sustainable in any way. Science has shown that the oldest male elephants and lions are indeed able to breed, and that they pass down good genes to the next generation. Without older male elephants to guide them, younger bulls will raid villages and kill rhinoceros. Also, when older male lions are killed, younger and inexperienced unhealthy males will lead prides. In South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, male lions were hunted so much, that younger and unhealthy males started to breed with females, producing unhealthy offspring.

A complete and permanent ban on trophy hunting around national parks will lead to increased genetic diversity and will see an increase in wildlife populations. So we urge Tanzania to implement a complete and permanent ban on trophy hunting around national parks.

Update #1vor 5 Jahren
We need to keep up the pressure!!!!! We must have more signatures in the coming days! So guys, keep up the good work, and keep signing my petition!
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