Someone Shot a Sea Lion on a California Beach and Left It to Die

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Federal and state authorities
The shores of Bolsa Chica State Beach in Orange County, California are beautiful. For three miles, soft sand extends along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. But on August 7, 2024, it also became the scene of a crime. Because that's where officials found a young male sea lion - alive, but gravely injured.

In the sea lion's back was a fresh gunshot wound. Someone had taken aim at him, shot him, and left him there to die. Authorities rushed to provide the sea lion with the veterinary care he needed, but sadly, his wounds were too severe. The innocent animal died the next day.

Demand that authorities find whoever did this! Sign the petition!

Sea lions are not just animals; they are sentient beings that feel pain and enjoyment of life. They also play a vital role in our ecosystem by keeping fish populations in check and keeping the food chain in balance. They also provide humans with key data about the overall health of our oceans, such as the level of toxins.

This young sea lion had his whole life ahead of him, and he deserved the chance to thrive in his natural habitat. Instead, he was subjected to a horrific fate at the hands of a coward who chose to take a life rather than respect it.

We cannot allow this heinous crime to go unpunished. Luckily, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information leading to the identification and conviction of the individual responsible for this horrific act. But we have to make sure that officials don't give up on this search.

Sign this petition to demand that authorities continue their investigation until they find the person responsible for this senseless killing!
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