Tranquilizers For Tessa

  • von: Doreen DeMone
  • empfänger: The Law Courts to make this mandatory law

A Police Officer in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada shot and killed Josh Strickland's (resident of small town Amherst) non-aggresive, family and community loved dog in her own backyard.  This officer and some members of the department are lying about the facts of why and how Tessa the dog was shot despite several eye witnesses that say that Tessa was in her own backyard and was non - aggressive.  In fact she was playing.  Tessa was shot for the simple reason the officer felt she was a menace and was trying to get away from him - again despite being told that she was a kind non-aggressive dog by a witness before he shot her twice in her backyard.  Deputy chief of the Amherst Police Department was asked why a tranquilizer gun was not used?  He replied that, "POLICE OFFICER'S RARELY HAVE READY ACCESS TO TRANQUILIZER GUNS AND THAT THEY WOULD HAVE TO CALL THE "LANDS AND FORESTS" DEPARTMENT TO OBTAIN A TRANQUILZER GUN".  This leaves lethal weapons other than a tazer for any kind of response to call's regarding family pet's or even non-threatening wildlife.  This Police Officer was witnessed as putting his tazer away and pulling his gun and shooting her twice as she was running to her shade tree -----Innocent animals are being shot and killed too many times everywhere, like this, by first responding police officer's that do not have ready access to tranquilizer gun's.  This petition is to have laws in place to ensure that every police vechicle that responds to situations involving pet's and other animals carry tranquilizing guns as the only option to the use of lethal weapons.  It should not be the decision of one individual to decide to end a life of any kind.  It should not be a "crime" punishable by death, for innocent animals to be shot that are non-threatening and are only running away from Police Officer's that are threatening them.   Police officerès should all be trained in the use of Tranquilizer guns and if they are the first responders that is all they should be using.  We need this to be law so that innocent animals are not being killed.  Please sign and share so we can make a change.            

We need laws to have it mandatory for police officer's to carry and use tranquilizer gun's if they are called and take action themselves to detain an animal. This needless, heartless killing of innocent animals has got to stop. These are member's of people's families being shot and killed needlessly. This is unacceptable. This has to stop. Law's have to be put in place to protect these animals. Police Officer's should only be allowed to tranqualize not kill.  Most importantly they should be properly trained in the use of the tranqualizer guns as well.  Please do this for Tessa and all of the other fur babies that have lost their lives in this manner. Please.

Update #5vor 9 Jahren
Please sign and share. Lets make a change.
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
As more witnesses are coming forward updating has applied to the events that took place.
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
We have a lot of signatures but we need so much more. Please please everyone sign and share and promote. Send this petition to everyone. Make it viral. We need changes in our laws to protect the innocent that do not have a voice. These killings have to stop. It is all of our voices that will demand a chance in the laws. Please please help us get to this goal.
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
We now have 225 signatures. We still have a long way to go to have our voice heard. Please please sign and share. Let's make this happen. Let's protect our companions, our family member's. Let's be the voice they do not have.
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
We have a long way to go yet. We have 86 signatures. We need at least 1000 to have a voice. Please please everyone sign and share. Do this for Tess who is in God's hands now. Please.
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