The City of North Port, FL currently has over 60k residents spread out over approximately 100 square miles and is growing quickly. Animal services provides a vital service to help residents with sick or injured wild life, stray cats & dogs and wild life that is having a hard time with the growth - the Florida Panther, alligators, raccoons, wild boar, snakes etc. were here first. We need animal services to help these creatures. On July 23rd, the final budget meeting will be held and without residents speaking up, there's a good possibility that the animal services position in the City of North police department will be eliminated and turned over to Sarasota County. If we turn animal services over to Sarasota County, the response time will be greatly affected. Please sign this petition and write emails to each commissioner asking them to keep animal services in the City!
I started this petition on Friday July 17th to determine if there were other citizens who felt the same as me about relinquishing animal services to Sarasota County. In less than a week, the petition has gathered 463 signatures from around the world. I intend to let the petition continue until this issue is resolved so that we have time to let everyone voice their opinion. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
It has come to my attention that this petition may not serve it's purpose. We are going to need everyone that lives in North Port to show up at Commission Meetings! We need so many people there that they can do nothing but sigh and retain Animal Control in North Port. Please use your voice. If you have any questions, you can contact us on Facebook @ You can email the Commission:
Thank you!
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
More and more people are speaking out everyday! I urge you to send emails to the Commission. The email address is: I also urge you to visit our Facebook page at this link: On this page, we share new information and ideas about how to move forward. Please share! Thank you for your continued support.
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
It appears that the commission is planning to go forward with the elimination of the animal services officer and turn the responsibility over to Sarasota County. However, this is NOT set in stone. The final vote will be in September. I intend to research this issue more and I will supply any and all information that I receive to you. Please continue to share, sign and state your reasons for wanting the City to keep Animal Services as a service offered by the City.