Demand Greyhounds Australasia stops the live export of greyhound dogs to Macau

  • von: Georgina B
  • empfänger: Greyhounds Australasia

Australian greyhounds are being exported to Macau where they face abuse and an early death. This is in spite of the racing peak industry body banning the live export of dogs to Macau more than a year ago.

Greyhounds Australasia stopped issuing passports last year as it does not support the exportation of dogs to countries that do not meet appropriate animal welfare standards. However, freedom of information documents exposed that the exportation of greyhounds to Macau continues.

Furthermore, the ban from last year has only been made public in Australia this month (April, 2014), which has raised suspicions of a cover-up about the treatment of greyhounds once they reach Macau. Moreover, Greyhounds Australasia has come under scrutiny for keeping secret a report into live dog exports that were undertaken in 2012, as the findings of the review have never been made public.

The secretive behaviour of Greyhounds Australasia confirms suspicions that the report contains stories of mistreatment and that the racing body does not want to be held accountable for its failure to stop the live export trade.

The record of ongoing exports shows Greyhounds Australasia has put little effort into enforcing the ban. It has been estimated that at least one dog is killed every day in Macau because the industry does not have any rehoming programs.

Please sign the petition and demand that Greyhounds Australasia enforces the ban and releases the findings of the secret report.



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