Demand an end to trophy hunting of African wildlife

  • von: emma gadd
  • empfänger: South African Government

Every year it is reported that 600 lions are killed as a result of trophy hunting. This has a dramatic impact on the lion population, and is driving them closer and closer to extinction. In 1975 the population was estimated at 250,000, yet today this has dropped by around 85% leaving only 25-30,000 remaining.

However, it is not just lions who are being killed for 'fun', giraffes, elephants, zebras, leopards and white rhinos. All of these beautiful species face a threat from those that see no value in their life, and as a result their populations are also diminishing.

The hunters will pay large sums of money and get to choose the prey of their choice, the bigger and rarer the animal the better! They are aware that many of the species are protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESP), yet still CHOOSE to hunt them. It is a cruel and unnecessary 'sport' that should be made illegal.

Trophy hunters try to claim that they are helping the conservation of animals, when in fact it is the opposite. They do not care about conservation, their goal is to take home their 'trophies', whether it be full body mounts or just horns and tusks.

We should admire these magnificent creatures, not be killing them for sport. They are not souvenirs, they are wild animals. And they should remain in the wild.

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