Zimbabwe, Protect Your Beautiful Creatures Instead Of Allowing Them To Be Slaughtered!!

  • von: Protect All Wildlife
  • empfänger: Oppah Muchinguri - Zimbabwe Environment, Water and Climate Minister

Only a short time after the killing of Cecil The Lion by an American dentist it has emerged that a German hunter has paid nearly £40,000 to shoot one of the largest elephants ever seen in Zimbabwe, while conservationists and safari guides mourn the loss of another ‘magnificent’ animal.

Conservationists and photographic safari operators in the area expressed their outrage on Thursday night, saying the animal was one of a kind and should have been preserved for all to see.

“Individual elephants such as these should be accorded their true value as a National Heritage and should be off limits to hunting" - Anthony Kaschula, Safari firm owner.

When all the animals that tourists come to see on safari are gone were will Zimbabwe's income come from?? The time has come to say 'Enough Is Enough'! The ONLY way to shoot wildlife is through the lens of a camera.

Dear Mr Muchinguri.

Following the killing of Cecil The Lion by an American dentist it has emerged that a German hunter has paid nearly £40,000 to shoot one of the largest elephants ever seen in Zimbabwe, while conservationists and safari guides mourn the loss of another ‘magnificent’ animal.

Conservationists and photographic safari operators in the area expressed their outrage on Thursday night, saying the animal was one of a kind and should have been preserved for all to see.

“Individual elephants such as these should be accorded their true value as a National Heritage and should be off limits to hunting" - Anthony Kaschula, Safari firm owner.

When all the animals that tourists come to see on safari are gone were will Zimbabwe's income come from?? The time has come to say 'Enough Is Enough'! The ONLY way to shoot wildlife is through the lens of a camera.

Stop ALL trophy hunting NOW!

Yours sincerely

Paul Christian

Protect All Wildlife

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