Legalize Sugar Gliders in Pennsylvania

Please sign the following petition to allow Sugar Gliders legal in Pennsylvania. These animals have been bred in captivity for many years and have NEVER harmed a human being. There are several private ownerships and USDA of these wonderful animals through out Pennsylvania.

The Sugar Glider is a small marsupial native to eastern and northern mainland Australia. It is a small mammal that will grow to be 6.3 - 7.5 inches. with a tail almost as long as the body.

The law in from the game commission states that you can not own, trade, sell or give away a sugar glider in the state of Pennsylvania. If you are found with one they will take it along with giving you a hefty fine.

The Sugar Glider is a popular pet because of its lively and inquisitive nature; with plenty of attention, it bonds well to human companions. They are small and relatively easy to care for. Sugar Gliders bred and kept in captivity behave differently than those in the wild.

Currently, Pennsylvania is one of only 5 States where owning a Sugar Glider is illegal. The other 4 states are California, Alaska, Hawaii, and Massachusetts. I believe it is out of a misunderstanding, rather than good reasoning, as Sugar Gliders do not fall under any of the categories in which they should be banned.

After extensive research I am unsure as to why they are illegal in Pennsylvania. This is a small pet that has never killed anyone unlike the several dogs, that so many people own in the city (bulldogs, pitbulls, rotweilers, dobermens). I can own a dangerous dog capable of killing a child, but I can not own a sugar glider.

There are many established breeders of sugar gliders in the USA and they are strictly regulated by the USDA. There are many books and websites on care and diet. Gliders have been in captivity for many years and well established diets are available. All of the breeders I found across the USA care who and where their gliders go to. They provide starter kits and a wealth of information and an open door policy on questions throughout the gliders lifespan. I see no reason that glider pet ownership should not be allowed in the state. They are small caged animals that provide great companionship. These creatures being no larger than a flying squirrel, but being in the marsupial family are banned for no other reason than that they fall into the marsupial category; which are banned completely as 'all species.'

As far as special care they are no more difficult then any exotic pet, including Chinchillas, which are legal to own. They sometimes need vitamin supplements sprinkled on food. They need for attention the same as chinchillas need attention or they get depressed and fur chew.

I would like to see a law passed that would allow for ownership of Sugar Gliders in the State of Pennsylvania. Sugar gliders can not survive the harsh winters in Pennsylvania so there is no threat to the current wildlife population.

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