They Asked Him to Walk Their Dogs. Instead, He Kicked, Threw, and Punched the Animals.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: New York state authorities
A video taken in Westchester, New York recorded a disturbing scene in which a man openly kicked, punched, and threw two dogs in a fit of rage.

Sign the petition to demand authorities ban him from working with, owning, or living with animals again!

And this wasn't a one-time thing. Another video shows the same man whipping one of the two dogs - a male puppy known as Champ - using a large, rope-style leash, all while screaming at him.

Both dogs, Champ and a female dog called Pretty Girl, were in this man's care because their owners had entrusted him to walk them and tend to their needs. Instead, they wound up violently physically abused.

Luckily, both dogs emerged from the beatings safe and without major, incapacitating injuries. Authorities have since arrested the man, who it turns out, was also wanted in connection with another unrelated case.

One thing is for certain: we must keep animals safe and protect them from this man. He should never be allowed to work with, care for, or own animals in the future! Sign the petition.
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