Demand NJ Gov. Chris Christie Sign the Bill S2500 protecting Pigs from Crate Torture

  • von: Mike Portnoy
  • empfänger: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Mother pigs in 40 states live a tortured life. They are places in gestation crates, where they can't move, turn around, walk, graze, etc. They are constantly inseminated until they are no longer producing offspring. Then they are sent to slaughter. These crates are inhumane and cruel. Pigs are know to be highly intelligent animals. Considered smarter then most dogs and have a mentality of a human 3 yet old. Yet they are crated in a manner for a life time. NJ House and Senate passed this bill on 10/16/2014, it was 53-13-6 in favor of abolishing the crating practice in NJ. The will Directs State Board of Agriculture and Dept. of Agriculture to adopt regulations concerning confinement of pregnant sows during gestation. A similar bill was veto by Christie last years. Instead of trying to over ride the veto, the House and Senate reworked the bill again and it passed again. However as of 11/2/2014 the Governor has not signed the bill. This would make NJ the 10th state to ban this horrible treatment of pigs in NJ. Many celebrities have also asked the Governor to sign the bill. Bill Maher, Danny Devito, Martha Stewart, not to mention is resent polls indicate 90% of NJ citizens want this bill passed. However, Christie who is still thought to be running the for the GOP in 2016, might not want to offend pig farmers in Iowa. Either way, NJ citizens want it, the legislature wants it, but it is being ignored by Christie. Many Animal Activist Groups, HSUS, PETA, ASPCA, ADLF, MFA have all sent out call in and email petitions for the Governor to sign still this bill. Please ask the Governor to act in a way that protects the pigs in NJ, and followers the wishes of the citizens of NJ.

Dear Governor Christie,

I am a concerned citizien writing to urge you sign S. 998 into law. S. 998, which would ban confining pregnant pigs in cruel gestation crates barely larger than their bodies, is supported by 93 percent of New Jersey voters. It is now beyond dispute that locking pregnant pigs in cages so small they can’t even turn around is patent animal cruelty and should not be tolerated by a civilized society. Please do your part to end this inhumane practice and bring New Jersey in line with the many other states that have already banned gestation crates. Please sign S. 998 into law. Thank you.

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