U.S. States Must Uphold the 14th Amendment and Ban Donald Trump From All Electoral Ballots!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Georgia, Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio
The primary elections to decide the Republicans' nominee for President of the United States are now underway. Whoever wins will become their party's candidate in the general election held in November.

It all starts with Iowa. And Donald Trump just swept that caucus, coming in 30 points ahead of any other candidate.

But this man is an insurrectionist who is disloyal to the Constitution of the United States and disobeyed his oath of office. As a result, he is now facing lawsuits in multiple states for his role in trying to overthrow the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Major swing states - including Georgia, Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio - must ban Trump from any and all ballots, either for primaries or the general election!

According to the 14th Amendment, no one who has "engaged in insurrection" against the U.S. is permitted to hold civil, military, or elected office. That's why officials in Colorado and Maine have banned Trump's name from appearing on ballots in those states.

In his official role as President of the United States, who had sworn an oath to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution, Donald Trump defied that same Constitution to try and undermine our democracy. The laws of our nation make it clear: he is not allowed to become an elected official again.

It's both inappropriate and illegal for a known insurrectionist who holds disdain for orderly transitions of power and rule of law to be considered for a role as important as President of the United States.

Sign the petition to demand that Georgia, Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio follow in Colorado and Maine's footsteps and ban Trump's name from appearing on ballots in their state! They must do their part to uphold the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and protect our country's democracy!
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