No New Animal Lab: Skanska Don't Build Animal Research Lab in Seattle

  • von: Vivian Bartlett
  • empfänger: Seattle Office Email Addresses:,,,,,,,, lisa.pic

No New Animal Lab is a new pressure campaign to stop the University of Washington from building a proposed underground Animal Research and Care Facility, which would expand the number of animals that the UW can torture and kill by thousands. The No New Animal Lab campaign’s primary target is Skanska, a multi-billion dollar international construction firm and the general contractor of the project.

The University of Washington’s history of using animals in research includes being fined by the USDA for allowing a primate to starve to death, citations for performing unauthorized experiments on primates, and evidence of primates engaging in self-mutilation. The UW uses and kills thousands of animals—primates, dogs, mice, pigs, rabbits, cats, and others—each year, even though animal labs throughout the world have been shutting down due to public pressure, citations for the abuse and neglect of animals, activists’ exposure of the horrific conditions of labs, and a realization that the future of science is in innovative methods that produce more accurate results than using animals.

If Skanska USA builds this new facility for the University of Washington, you will be entangling your company with the UW’s proven, and very public, record of animal cruelty. I implore you to break your contract with UW. Do not follow through with construction of the facility. Do not involve yourself with the animal research industry any further.

A company that claims to be committed to the environment should not dirty its hands with the blood and waste of vivisection.

Update #4vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for signing and sharing this petition. They are continuing to build this facility and more signatures are needed to prevent this torture chamber from being completed. Please keep sharing, and know that lives are depending on you!
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
Please help me get to 2000 signatures - I need 150 more.
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
NARN ( Northwest Animal Rights Network ) shared a link.
June 8 at 3:51pm ·
Support Activists Taking Direct Action to Stop Animal Lab!
June 1, 2015 will go down in animal liberation history. By scaling and locking to an excavator belonging to Northwest Construction, activists bravely stopped...
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Please help spread this petition - time is of the essence.
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