Move Lucy the Elephant Part 2

This is a continuation of the original petition - we got so close - let's get her moved!

"It's easy to see why Valley Zoo in Edmonton, Canada regularly makes Defense of Animals' top ten worst zoos list. Animal rights groups have begged them for years to let their elephant Lucy move to a warmer climate, but the zoo has refused. Lucy is forced to brave Canada's harsh winter all alone, while the Calgary and Toronto zoos moved all their elephants.

The zoo claims that a vet deemed Lucy too sick to travel because of respiratory issues, but the Edmonton City Council doesn't want to allow an independent vet check.

Besides suffering the cold, Lucy is deprived of the company of other elephants. Elephants are very social animals who care for their young, travel in herds and mourn their family members. Please sign the petition to urge Edmonton City Council to take action to improve Lucy's quality of life!"

-text from the original petition

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