Say NO to Flavored Tobacco Products - Prohibition on MD House and Senate Bills HB0003 and SB0233


We won a small victory at the Federal level but the fight continues here in MD. Only registered MD voters can sign this petition and only sign once. Do you want your local vape shop to go out of business or only sale tobacco flavors?

The Vape industry has been penalized by the actions of teenagers misuse of products intended for adults in their journey to quit smoking. Flavors are not the issue, hold those using products not intended for them accountable, hold the retailer who sold the product accountable. Our legislators prefer to take the easy way and hold every vape shop owner and manufacturer responsible.

  • Where is the evidence that vape shop owners have sold to minors
  • Where is the evidence that flavors are causing the health issue (according to the CDC it is vitamin "E" and THC or some other mixture teens are adding)
  • Restrict vape sale to vape shop owners and manufactures
  • Do not eliminate online sales in and out of the state of MD
  • Why is this only happening in the US?
  • Most trying to quit want to get away from the tobacco taste and smell.
  • Most trying to quit were not menthol users.
  • Prohibition is not the answer for flavors and sale in MD
  • Canada and the UK encourage vaping over cigarettes

The below is the exact language from the proposal.
"Providing that certain licenses to manufacture, sell, buy, and store cigarettes, other tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices do not authorize the licensee to manufacture, ship, import, or sell into or within the State a flavored tobacco product with a taste or smell of fruit, mint, candy, or other non-tobacco flavors; providing that a public statement that cigarettes, other tobacco products, or electronic smoking devices have or produce a certain smell or taste is presumptive evidence that they are flavored tobacco products; etc."

VOICE your opinion get on the calendar and reserve your 3 minutes.

In the House - Hearing 2/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Delegate D.E. Davis
Flavored Tobacco Products - Prohibition

In the Senate - Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by The President (By Request - Office of the Attorney General) and Senators Augustine, Beidle, Benson, Hayes, Kelley, Lee, McCray, and Smith

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