• von: Veselin Varbanov
  • empfänger: International Marine Conservation Congress 2014

Longline Indiscriminately kills millions of species (many on endandered and enxtinction lists) that get caught 'incidentally' on the hooks.This technique is used in the United States, South America, Australia, New Zealand and southern African countries. 

It poses an enormous threat to seabirds, especially endangered species of albatross and petrel.  It is estimated that a staggering 400 albatrosses die on longlines every week around the world and several populations are teetering closer and closer to extinction as a resultering 50,000 sharks are caught on longlines in Australian waters every yearAll five species of sea turtle that traverse Australian waters are federally listed as THREATENED or ENDANGERED species and are caught on longlines. As many as 450 turtles may be caught a year on Australian longlines !


PLEASE support this campain by signing .And LETS hope this will help The Society For Conservation Biology on next years International Marine Conservation Congress (14-19 August 2014) put more pressure on Government and industy to take action to ban longline fishing!

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