Justice for Star

Justice for Star, a female dog was found shot, bound and buried alive.
This Petition was created for Star and for All Animals tortured to death because of  human violence.

Star a female dog was found shot, bound and buried alive in Ghar Hasan Malta in May 19, 2011.
She spent 14 hours buried alive.
Whimpering, she poked her nose through the soil of the grave, which managed to save her life.
The dog was rescued the next day by officers of the Animal Welfare Department .
Such was the cruelty inflicted on the dog that she had a gunshot wound on the side of her head and all her limbs were tied.
She was operated and more than 40 gunshot pellets were removed from the wound, along with pieces of plastic.
"Star showed what a courageous caring, sweet, loving companion she is. [...] Star is living it up to her name already and is doing her very utmost to make it through this heartbreaking situation...Even though Star witnessed and lived all this cruelty from a human being she never even spared us a menacing look or a growl, she just looked at us in gratitude!!" the Animal Welfare Department said.

She passed away on June 6 from an acute inflammation of the pancreas, barely 24 hours after hundreds rallied in a Protest against Animal cruelty sparked by her story.

A special thanks goes to The Malta Police Force for solving this case.

Although a sentence has been given for Star's ordeal, we are continuing to urge people to sign and reshare this petition so that Star's ordeal and that of many other animals that have suffered over the years at the hands of abusers, will finally give way to the better protection and well being of all animals today and in the future.

Animal Cruelty is a Global Epidemic. Do not turn your head from this reality.
We must wake up and shake up the world!
We want harsher punishments for animal cruelty! Legislators please act NOW!

We would like to take this oppourtunity to express our complete gratitude and appreciation to all those people from the general public in Malta and around the world who have already signed and reshared this petition.
Without your help the Silent Protest and this petiton would not have been such a success....
Never in the world's history has change happened without the power and support of the people.

Thank You ...

This petition was created from Paris, France.
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