Protect Our Farmland: Citizens Against Rezoning 6 Parcels on Rt 30, Belldons Road, and Thruview Drive

A recent Planned Unit Development (PUD) has been proposed for the Town of Florida. The scope of area includes ~508 acres located along Route 30 and is comprised of 6 parcels with road frontage on Rt 30, Belldons Road, and Thruview Drive. The PUD proposes to rezone this land from Residential / Agriculture to Commercial / Light Industrial with the intent of building several commercial and light industrial buildings ranging in size from 300,000 to 2,000,000 square feet.

The Town of Florida citizens have spoken and we do not want this type of growth in this area of our community. This is not responsible rezoning and it is not in the best interest of our agricultural lands. Rezoning this property would destroy valuable farmland; tarnish the rural character of our town; clog roadways; strain our infrastructure; pollute our air, soil, and water; burden our volunteer fire department; provide no financial benefits to the citizens of our community; and invite many detrimental effects.

Voice your concerns at the Town of Florida Public Hearing! Thursday, 10/12 at 10 AM at the Old Town Hall (167 Fort Hunter Rd, Amsterdam, NY 12010)

Update #5vor ca. einem Jahr

There will be an important public hearing about the PUD proposal in Town of Florida. Despite lack of planning board support, it's still under consideration, proposing to turn 508 acres on Route 30 from Residential/Agriculture to an industrial park!

Your concerns are vital.

Public Hearing:
Date: 10/12, 10 AM
Location: Old Town Hall, 167 Fort Hunter Rd, Amsterdam, NY

Let's attend, voice concerns, and protect our community!

The Alliance for Florida Farmland
Update #4vor 2 Jahren

When it rains, it pours. As if the industrial park proposal wasn't enough, there is now a proposal for a 650-foot wind turbine in the Town of Florida on YMCA Road. This looming presence would be bigger than the height of 2 football fields! Please sign the petition against this here:

Thank you!
The Alliance for Florida Farmland
Update #3vor 2 Jahren

The Planning Board will make their recommendation on the Planned Unit Developed for Rt 30 on Mon, 9/12 @ 6:30 PM at the Old Town Hall. The Town Board is expected to make their decision on Mon, 9/19 at the New Town Hall.

BOTH meetings are important to attend if you oppose the rezoning of our town to keep valuable farmland in our rural community. Bring your "No Rezone" signs, standard together, and say NO!

Thank you for your continued support!

The Alliance for Florida Farmland
Update #2vor 2 Jahren
All, we now have "No Rezone" yard signs. Please e-mail if you would like one for your lawn. We will deliver within the Town of Florida.
Update #1vor 2 Jahren

Thanks for signing the petition against the rezoning of 6 parcels on Rt 30, Belldons, and Thruview to "Light Industrial / Commercial". I wanted to inform you all that there is a Planning Board meeting on Mon, 8/1 at 6:45 PM. The board is expected to present their recommendation to the Town Board, so this is a key meeting and attendance is strongly encouraged. Agenda attached.

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