Stop This City's Expansion From Threatening the Survival of Endangered Pied Tamarin Monkeys

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Ibama and ICMBio (Brazilian Federal Environmental Agencies)

The pied tamarin, one of the world's most critically endangered primates, faces extinction as the government of Brazil plans to expand their home city of Manaus. These tiny monkeys, known for their distinctive black and white faces, are confined to shrinking patches of forest, trapped by urban sprawl and increasing threats from roadkill and habitat loss. With just 22,000 left in the wild, the survival of the pied tamarin hangs in a delicate balance. 

Sign this petition to demand that Ibama and ICMBio, Brazil's key federal environmental bodies, carefully incorporate the protection of the pied tamarin into the urban planning policies of Manaus!

Local conservationists are advocating for the integration of green urban spaces into Manaus to ensure the pied tamarins survival. These people are heroes, taking a stand for wildlife conservation and showing that sustainable urban planning can save species.

If the government is able to enforce policies that include the conservation of the pied tamarin in the urban planning of Manaus, this will not only save this precious monkey but will also enhance the quality of life for all city residents by providing greener, more sustainable living spaces.

This isn't just about saving a species; it's about preserving the balance of our ecosystem.

Sign the petition to ensure that the pied tamarin thrives alongside the residents of Manaus, Brazil!

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