If we stop the silence, we can end the violence.

Domestic violence is escalating.

According to the United Nations, a woman is killed every ten minutes. In some countries women are facing a decrease in personal freedoms, which puts them at greater risk for violence. The I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is requesting your participation to help the global efforts by organizations like the UN in speaking out against the violence. We are using our voice at the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative to inform others of their efforts and asking everyone to join the United Nations 16 days of activism for The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The UN is launching the UNiTE campaign (Nov 25-Dec 10), an initiative of 16 days of activism concluding on International Human Rights Day.

"The solution lies in robust responses, holding perpetrators accountable, and accelerating action through well-resourced national strategies and increased funding to women's rights movements." - United Nations

Please sign our petition and join us in creating awareness by adding the hashtags: #NoExcuse #iknowwhyshestayed to your social media and boost the 16 Days of Activism's global campaign. To find out more about how the I Know Why She Stayed Initiative is helping to empower women and end violence, visit our website, www.iknowwhyshestayed.org.

I Know Why She Stayed Initiative

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