Justice for Tilly

This is my beautiful little dog Tilly, who was cruelly taken from me on February 20th 2011 by my ex partner who kicked her to death.
She suffered the most horrific injuries to her small body and sadly died 25 minutes after he attacked her.
After recieving a pathetic sentence from magistrates in April I have made the decision, with the help and support from my family and friends, to set up a petition to try and change the way that some legal professionals see animals and to make them enforce harsher sentences for perpetrators of Animal Cruelty.
We the undersigned,
Request that more tougher sentence's are given to those who abuse animals, we believe that our animals are an extended part of our family and not just a piece of property we have in our homes.
Let us be the voice for our friends that can not talk, let us put a stop to animal cruelty, puppy farming and neglect .
Let us unite in bring justice to those who have suffered at the hands of a human being, can you imagine if this was a person you loved ? would you be happy with their perpetrator's punishment being a slap on the wrist and told not have contact with humans for 5 yr ? ... the punishment needs to fit the crime.
Thank-you for taking the time to read this letter
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