In this day and age, ALL animals should be kept safe, have rights and laws enforced to protect them and strictly penalize those that go against these laws.
In Spain, docile hunting dogs such as the Galgos and Podencos are chained in the dark, fed leftover moldy food once a week, lay in there own feces with no human interaction because the abusers feel this will make them hunt better. They are also chained to the back of moving trucks to keep them running. If they don't run, they will be dragged and die.
They are hung from trees to get strangled and drowned in wells if they are not desired. Others have there legs broken or eyes gauged out, and left to die of starvation and/or injury in the woods or chained until death. Please help stop this from happening and save these innocent souls.
To King Felipe VI and Mariano Rajoy,
After learning about the inhumane treatment of dogs in your country, over 200.000 people in the world are beseeching you to stop this cruel act. No animal is born to ldeserve this. I am sure no rapist, pedophile or murderer is given the horrific treatment of being hung by a tree or dragged on the back of a car, or left to die of hunger and no socialization-and those are the criminals who should receive this treatment!
Please listen to our words and hear our voices and punish those who harm these poor dogs, and other animals for that matter by rescuing these dogs and prosecuting those that harm them so that they may never hurt another animal again.
Daniela Tromba
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
From 3,000 signatures, to 10,000, and now to over 70,000 signatures. Thank you to all of you who have signed this petition. Together, we CAN make a difference! We WILL make a difference! Please forward this link to be signed by those you know as well. On behalf of the lives we will save, thank you again.
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for signing the petition to 'demand Spain strictly enforce penalties for animal cruelty.' Kindly help spread the word to get more signatures by sending this petition link to your family and friends to sign.
Thank you,