Mexico Must Act To Save the Critically Endangered Vaquita Porpoise!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Commission for Environmental Cooperation

The world's most endangered marine mammal is the vaquita porpoise – and it's on the brink of extinction. Tragically, as few as six to eight remain in the wild. While the vaquita are supposed to be protected by the Council of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), it seems Mexico is failing to enforce vital fishing regulations that protect the critically endangered porpoise. To save the vaquita from extinction, this must change.

Sign this petition to urge the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to demand Mexico immediately implement stringent enforcement of fishing laws to save the vaquita from extinction!

The vaquita population continues to be threatened by local gillnet fishing, which is ironically used to illegally capture and traffick the endangered totoaba fish. The USMCA Council has finally launched an investigation into Mexico's failure to protect these mammals. This is a step forward, but the vaquita cannot survive on promises alone. 

The next few months are crucial. As the vaquita population dwindles, the urgency for action has never been more critical. The survival of the vaquita depends on our collective action to hold accountable those responsible for enforcing protections.

Sign now to demand that the Commission for Environmental Cooperation take urgent action to enforce the laws that can save the vaquita!

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