Urge Kenya Maritime Authority to Salvage the Vessel Beached on a Reef off Diani Beach

  • von: Amina Sabel
  • empfänger: Kenya Maritime Authorities

A vessel with diesel engine beached on 08. May on a reef close to the award winning beaches of Diani Beach, Kenya. Although a week has past, no salvage operations have been initiated. The ship is already breaking apart and there is imminent risk of further degradation of the reef, the marine eco-system including natural reserves, and the nearby beaches

Sir, Madam,

as you are well aware, a vessel with diesel engine beached on 08. May on a reef close to the award winning beaches of Diani Beach, Kenya. Although a week has past as per today, no salvage operations have been initiated. The ship is already breaking apart and there is imminent risk of further degradation of the reef, the marine eco-system including natural reserves, and the nearby beaches.

Kindly but urgently get into action.

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