Connecticut Is a 'Safe Harbor' for Abortion Seekers. Other States Must Follow Suit.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Illinois, California, and New York legislators

In the past few weeks, many of us have watched in horror as Republicans delivered blow after blow to reproductive justice and abortion access throughout the country. Since the Supreme Court's devastating ruling on Roe v. Wade, dozens of states' "trigger laws" have effectively banned abortion across much of the American South. Perhaps worst of all, this is likely only the beginning of the tidal wave of state bans. But if we start put pressure on our legislators, we can guarantee that people in states where abortion is banned always have another state they can go to to seek the reproductive care they need and deserve.

Sign now to demand Illinois, New York, and California pass similar safe harbor laws!

In the midst of uncertain abortion protections nationally, it is essential that states move to protect an individual's right to travel for healthcare. Safe harbor laws are an excellent way to do this. Safe harbor laws protect both people seeking abortions and abortion providers from "bounty" laws, like the one passed in Texas. In Connecticut, for example, recently passed safe harbor laws restrict how health care records are accessed by plaintiffs in bounty cases. This law also gives targets a right to recover the legal costs of such awful and predatory cases. Ideally, every person seeking an abortion would be able to get one easily and accessibly in the state that they live in -- but until we reach that scenario, we must support laws that protect people traveling for reproductive healthcare.

Unfortunately, anti-abortion advocates and the religious right have been extremely organized for a very long time. Now it's time for those of us who believe in a pregnant person's ability to choose to resist this political pressure and urge our state legislators to stay organized and act quickly. We must encourage states that have codified abortion rights into law to become "safe havens" like Connecticut! Illinois, New York, and California can and must become safe harbor states to keep abortion as accessible as possible. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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