Stop the Deliberate Cruelty of the Surabaya Zoo Animals INDONESIA - Cee4life

The animals of the Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia have been deliberatly neglected and abused, and many have starved to death due to the internal conflict of the Surabaya Government and new owners of the Surabaya Zoo. This is a highly unethical and tragic situation where the animals of the zoo, including critically endangered and protected species, are suffering extreme agonising pain and neglect, leading many to death.  This situation can be stopped as soon as the humans stop their egos.
The Tigress in this photo is Melani. She suffered digestive problems at Surabaya due to being fed meat tainted with chemicals and pestisides over the years.  Although the meat supplier was changed 3 years ago, Melani was a hopeless case with her internal digestive system destroyed.  She is was on the  brink of death unable to digest any food at all when this photo was taken.
Prior to this petition, the Surabaya Government has been urged repeatedly to end this human conflict, they have not. Addidtionally, the Surabaya Zoo sits on prime real estate land in the middle of the city, which is worth more than the zoo itself.  There is currently growing pressure from the Mayor of Surabaya to take over this land.  If this was to occur, the zoo must be run by a professional who has a conservation and animal welfare and ethics background, and that if the zoo is going to be closed, then the animals should (are) prioritised for rehome and that this rehome is given ample time to be put in place. But as it stands, there is no plan to relocate the animals or have a qualified professional with animal ethics and welfare, and conservation background. 
This must be remedied.  This "land useage" and "taken over" of zoo's for industrialisation is not new, this is a tactic used many times over around the world, and the animals simply disappear.  This cannot happen.

For once and all, these horrific stories of animals suffering immensely at the hands of Surabaya Zoo, must stop. So now with your help, lets speak as loud as we can for these animals.
Please sign and share far and wide.


Sybelle Foxcroft
Director Cee4life 

Dear, Indonesian Government, Mayor of Surabaya

This petition has been created to urge the end of the suffering of the animals of the Surabaya Zoo, Surabaya, Indonesia.
The ongoing cruelty and neglect of these animals that has been documented extensively across the media worldwide over the last few years. This ongoing cruelty has shocked the world and is a clear picture of inhumane care, yet it has been allowed to go on.

See recent article -

An example of this ongoing cruelty, within the Surabaya Zoo are protected critically endangered species, which by all account should be cared for at the highest standards, yet numerous animals have lost their life due to neglect. By law, the Sumatran Tigers are an Appendix 1 listed CITES species and are critically endangered, yet within Surabaya Zoo, the continued horrific images of emaciated and sick Sumatran Tigers and other animals, continue to flood the media.

The horrific death of a Giraffe in 2012, found with its stomach full of plastic bags -

Pelicans packed so tightly in cages they cannot unfurl their wings etc.

This must stop.

From recent media articles, it is known that the Mayor of Surabaya is also considering taking over the Surabaya Zoo land. If this is to occur, we ask that the Mayor of Surabaya install a professional who has a conservation and animal welfare and ethics background, and that if the zoo is going to be closed, then the animals should (are) prioritised for rehome under the guidance and/or implementation by Indonesian Zoos and Aquaria, and that this rehome is given ample time to be put in place.      

We strongly urge and ask the Government of Indonesia and the Mayor of Surabaya, to allow the intervention of Indonesian Zoos and Aquariums, with aid if needed from other animal welfare organisations and professional Veterinarians, in order to end the suffering of these creatures.


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