אורי אריאל, עצור את המשלוחים חיים.Uri Ariel.Stop The Live Shipments!

Live shipments is the accepted name of a practice whereby hundreds of thousands of animals are transported by ship and sometimes by plane every year for the purpose of fattening and slaughter.
Transportation takes place in extreme situations of overcrowding, disease, violence and sometimes even hunger.
Minister of Agriculture Uri Ariel has the power to stop the live transports and erase this terrible stain from Israel.
For more than three years, the organization Israel against Live Shipments has been fighting live imports and has exposed thus far, terrible violence towards animals, along with serious health risks to Israel's residents in this barbarous industry.
Dozens of complaints we have submitted over the years to the various institutions responsible for law enforcement in Israel, have received a cold shoulder. The Ministry of Agriculture for reasons that smell suspicious, continues to back up this violent and sickly industry.
No one with compassion, morality and reason should support this terrible industry!
#banliveexports #Israel Against Live Shipments


This petition will be delivered with the other petitions against the live shipments in Israel to the minister of agriculture Uri Ariel.

Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you All for signing.
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