Freedom for Sadie who was Unlawfully Seized.

  • von: Mark Williams
  • empfänger: Roscommon County Michigan Animal Shelter

Sadie was seized by Roscommon County Animal Control They received A Search and Seizure Warrant signed by A Roscommon County Circuit Court Judge, By telling half truths They did not produce the three Veterinarian Receipts To the Judge at the time Search Warrant was signed, they didn't have them, that proved The Owners care since Sadie Injuried her Paw. She was sent home for rehab and an aftercare program By two different Veterinarians.
Roscommon County (Michigan) Animal Control is abusing their Power, They are denying the Owner her Due Process Protection written in our Constitution. Roscommon County Refuses to relinquish this Pet to her Very Loving Home, There are No Charges to file against the Owner as the Owner has done nothing wrong. Still after ten Days Roscommon County Michigan Animal Control will not Give Sadie Back to her Owner, and has denied her Loving Owner visitation and access to Sadie Implemented very Rudely by Animal Control.
Sadie Needs to be returned to her Rightful Owner. We have Animal Control Officers that think they know more about the Welfare of Sadie than Two Vets. This is nothing but A Vindictive act By Roscommon County Michigan

That is not Sadie[s Picture, But we can all Imagine that's A good Picture of what she is feeling, being Kept away from her loving Family. The Latest on Sadie, is Free Sadie is not Backing Down this is a Terrible Injustice and Abuse of Power by Roscommon County Mi, There are "High Dollar" Attorneys fighting for the Return of Sadie to her Owner. at Pre Trial 8/8/16 Roscommon County Mi Prosecutor offered A Deal, the deal was, Owner Pays $4000 to Roscommon County you can Pick Sadie up at the "
Very Shady" Animal Control Shelter on your way Home from Court, and You, Registered Nurse Animal Cruelty Lady, will NO longer be an Animal Cruelty Person, Just give us our Ransom, Heads Need to Roll in Roscommon County Mi. I never knew that taking your Pet to two different Veterinarians, and opting for A Second Opinion from the Most Popular Veterinarian in the Area, would result in such A Travesty

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