Thousands of Immigrant Detainees Forced into Labor: Demand Justice!

  • von: Julie Mastrine
  • empfänger: Thomas D. Homan, acting director, ICE
A lawsuit alleges a private prison contracted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) forced immigrant detainees into labor, which is a violation of anti-slavery laws.

Tens of thousands of immigrants say they were held in a private prison that forced them to work for $1 a day, or for nothing at all. As many as 60,000 immigrants are included in the class-action lawsuit.

The accused is Denver Contract Detention Facility, a 1,500-bed center in Aurora, CO. It's owned and operated by GEO Group, a behemoth player in the prison industrial complex that is under contract with ICE.

Please sign this petition to demand ICE cancel its contract with Denver Contract Detention Facility!
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