On February 15, 2017 at an aquatic park in Ulsan, South Korea, one of two wild dolphins imported from Taiji, Japan died in captivity. The reason is unknown; however, NGO members say that the negligence involved in transporting the dolphins is a likely cause. The dolphin was left in a vulnerable environment, being thrown around and carried in a small aquatic cage. This dolphin is not alone. Ever since the establishment of animal entertainment, many dolphins have died from stress caused by captivity and inattentive transportation.
Taiji Japan is known for its cruel whale and dolphin hunts, supplying aquatic parks for entertainment and restaurants for human consumption. As evaluated by veterinarians, modes of killing dolphins "would not be tolerated or permitted in any regulated slaughterhouse process in the developed world," which includes South Korea as it is a developed country. Capturing techniques are also controversial, as it includes severely disorienting and then corralling dolphins into a small cove by Taiji harbor.
The Taiji dolphin hunts are intolerable, and should not be supported by the Korean government! Please help our cause by signing our petition asking the government to not source dolphins from Taiji, Japan. Speak up and sign, and don't forget to share with family and friends to show your support for the Taiji dolphins!