Implement a Rural Boundary Charter Amendment in Volusia County

As Volusia County residents, we have witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by development-induced flooding. Many people have suffered major financial setbacks and seen their properties damaged. This situation is a direct result of unchecked development.

We believe that the introduction of a Rural Boundary Charter Amendment to the Volusia County Charter is a potential solution to this issue. The Amendment will act as a tool to control development within our rural areas, allowing the County Council to better manage and restrict expansions that pose a threat to our homes, our livelihoods, and our natural surroundings.

We urge the Volusia County Council and Staff to create and put forward this amendment for a vote on the 2026 Ballot. No longer can we stand by and accept the excuse that the County cannot stop city annexations. Let's protect Volusia County's rural areas and the people who call it home.

Sign this petition to support the implementation of the Rural Boundary Charter Amendment. Let our unified voice be heard.

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