End Suffering At Caboodle Ranch

  • von: Caboodles Angels
  • empfänger: Department of Agriculture-Johns S. Roberts-Regulartory Program Administrator
Caboodle Ranch in Lee, Florida is home to over 500 cats.  The ranch is run by a man named Craig Grant.  It started when Mr. Grant's son left his cat, Pepper, with him.  Pepper became pregnant, and had five kittens.  Cats grew on him, so much that he decided to dedicate his life to them.
Unforunately, we fear the ranch of 500 cats is not being properly maintained.  Many people have visited the ranch and come back with photos of horrific illness and injury that these cats are suffering from.   There have been many accounts of cats who have gone missing due to coyotes in the area and a faulty fence.  This photo, unfortunately, is one of many cats who are at Caboodle Ranch suffering from infection and illness.
We would, at the very least, like to see a thorough investigation done with a two week stay at the ranch so the living conditions and sickness can be properly documented and dealt with.  We also want Mr. Grant to show his records of all the cats who have come in--why isn't he being held accountable?  The time for accountability is now.  We believe this is animal hoarding, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.  Good intentions are wonderful, but not when the cats are suffering like this.  Please consider helping us by signing this petition. 
Some testimony from Caboodle Ranch visitors:
"Upon our arrival to the Caboodle Ranch we were met with a sight of true shock and horror with what we found. In that there were no care takers on the premises, we waited outside their locked gate which was posted "Private Property - No Trespassing." We called the proprietor, Craig and waited for his arrival. While we waited, dozens of cats outside the facility approached us, many of them were dying and in a starvation mode, most of them were severely infected with upper-respiratory infection, eye disease and open wounds upon their skin and walking with tilted heads due to their ear infections. It was a sight difficult for the mind to truly immediately understand."  - Alfonso
"We only saw about 100 cats and out of them at least 75 looked sick. Many just skin and bones. Some missing eyes. Many missing patches of fur. One missing a leg, which must have been recently amputated, and the entire area where the healing was taking place was entirely covered in tiny bugs of some kind. All the cats were surrounded by gnats and are flea bitten. Many of the cats were either sneezing, coughing and had runny eyes and noses and since they all eat and drink out of the same places, whatever illness they have they pass to each other. "  -Susan

Dear Mr. Roberts,

For many months people have been going to Caboodle Ranch and bringing back horrifying stories of sickness and injury, and photos to prove what they've seen.
We believe this man to be a hoarder, and something needs to be done when the hoarding causes pain and suffering to others.
We feel previous investigations and actions have been insufficient; we would like to request that a spontaneous investigation be made of the full property, so that Mr. Grant doesn't have time to change things before people see what it is really like.  We feel its time to accept that it just isn't what you see on the website.  He isn't able to keep up with taking care of so many cats.
We hope that you will consider a 2 week investigation of Caboodle Ranch, including an investigation into the medical records of the cats, and records of the number of cats who have been taken into the ranch.
We want to put an end to the suffering of these animals!  Please help us do that.
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