We are looking for supporters who are willing to Rally with us to approach the Provincial Government to Amend the Education Act to support pupils with FASD

  • von: Maryann Post
  • empfänger: Legislative Assembly of Ontario

The current Ontario stategy on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), which includes Fetal Alcohol Spectrum, does not include ANY initiatives being implemented by the Ministry of Education.

The Journal of Research on Special Education Needs stated, "It is important for school systems to adapt educational practice and policy to support the needs of children with FASD." A specified Bill would provide an opportunity for the Ministry of Education to enhance awareness and support for FASD in schools.

Amendment of the Education Act to promote awareness, understanding and provide best practices support to pupils who may have FASD and collaboration with parents and FASD Support Groups. FACT CHECK 2016 census shows 2,322,285 youth between ages 5-19, using the low 4% prevalence rate means there are a minimum of 92,891 in Ontario affected by prenatal exposure (FASD) between ages 5-19

Special Education Study of Children with FASD Streissguth and colleagues (2004) reported that among a sample of individuals with FASD, 14% of 161 schoolchildren and 61% of 250 adolescents and adults had disrupted school experiences. Approximately 53% of the adolescents with FASD had been suspended from school, 29% had been expelled, and 25% had dropped out. ..."
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p mc/articles/PMC5009761/

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disability with significant implications for learning and behaviour. International research suggests that the prevalence of FASD in school-aged children is 2.3–6.3% FASD is the leading known cause of preventable developmental disabilities. among Canadians.

Its time to address the Pink Elephant in the room, Early Intervention is a key solution to prevent the secondary risks involved when a child living with FASD is not supported. 

Recent studies have just predicted that 35.2% of individuals with FASD experienced suicidal ideation, 13% of individuals have made at least one serious suicide attempt in the last year. This is becoming a growing concern within this population. 

Join this movement...Be the change~! 

Update #5vor 5 Jahren
Hard to believe we will soon head into a New Year.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to this cause, since the last update a group met with Minister Smith to discuss a variety of concerns.
One area that made some small gains was within prevention measures. In February there will be a group going to Queens Park to showcase their advocacy & speak to the ministry about ongoing concerns.
Keep supporting us by joining us in ways that you are able to, keep sharing this petition
Update #4vor 6 Jahren
I’m amazed & honoured that so many people have taken time to sign petition. The stories are so familiar & certainly reflect need for change. I wish we could group together as we are a strong force. I’m saddened to say that Bill 191 has been dropped from provincial legislature.
This petition still holds valuable status-!
It’s time for us to unite to let those in power know that we will not give up. *Next steps please join this support group https://m.facebook.com/groups/544346165727585 to unite
Update #3vor 6 Jahren
Hello fellow supporters, thank you for your dedication, just recently I have had the opportunity to be interviewed by the Belleville Intelligencer. This was an excellent opportunity to speak about more of the underlying issues that our children have been experiencing. Not just school experiences but mental health as well.This all ties into the lack of recognition of FASD, please share this link below.
Update #2vor 6 Jahren
An article just released March 1st lets get town to the root of the issue and help stop violence against those that are trying their best to support these students
Have you shared this petition with your friends, family co-workers?
Update #1vor 6 Jahren
I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to all those that have signed and written testimonies that reflect the importance of Bill 191.
Your stories are all very similar, I'm saddened as it depicts the truth of the tremendous injustice these children face everyday. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome known as the Hidden Disability has finally found its voice. Please continue to share this petition with your friends, family, and colleagues.

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