Thank Taylor Swift for Endorsing Kamala Harris

Taylor Swift just sent a message to her 283 million followers on Instagram, endorsing Kamala Harris.

283 million. That's nearly the population of the United States.

This is a big deal. Swift is not just one of the most popular entertainers on the planet, she has broad crossover appeal across ages, demographics, and locations -- including many "red" states. This could get a lot of people showing up at the polls who weren't going to vote, and could even get some voters to take a second look at Harris, and decide to vote for her. And in an election this close, that could be the difference.

So please join us in thanking her.

Her endorsement wasn't just a quick one liner, it was a very well thought out explanation of what went into it, why the debate was particularly important, and why she felt compelled to do it.

Make no mistake, this comes with some real risk for Swift. It will cost her sales among the Trump base, and it has no doubt already led to threats. So kudos to her for doing the right thing for America, even at personal cost.

Please add your name, and join us in thanking Taylor Swift for endorsing Kamala Harris.

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