Protect Florida's Environment For All and Forever
- von: Juan J
- empfänger: Florida Constitution Revision Commission, Florida State Representatives
A proposed constitutional amendment in Florida could be a game changer.
Proposal 23 states: "The natural resources of the state are the legacy of present and future generations. Every person has a right to a clean and healthful environment, including clean air and water; control of pollution; and the conservation and restoration of the natural, scenic, historic, and aesthetic values of the environment as provided by law. Any person may enforce this right against any party, public or private, subject to reasonable limitations, as provided by law."
Did you get that? Florida citizens might soon have the right to take legal action against any entity, that pollutes their environment, poisons their water and otherwise destroys the natural resources of the Sunshine State.
The amendment, if passed, would be ground-breaking and create a template for other states to use to create constitutional amendments of their own that protect the rights of their citizens to a healthy life.
Who wouldn't be for something like that right? Well, take a guess. The Florida Chamber of Commerce and other Big Business interest groups are already hard at work trying to lobby against it. Their goal is to stop the amendment in its tracks before it's approved by the preliminary committees and has is added to the ballot for November of this year.
In a state where the governor has banned the use of phrases like "climate change" by his officials, it is a wonder that this amendment has even seen the light of day. That's why it is so important you show your support for it because it could not only change the lives of Floridians but could change America.
If you are from Florida, you know just how fragile your environment is. Make sure the Florida Constitutional Revision Commission and your representatives know you are fully behind Proposal 23. If you aren't from Florida, remember that this proposal could help all states in the future to guarantee Americans' right to a healthy environment. Sign the petition and tell Florida you are fully behind Proposal 23!
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