Stop the Use of Dispersants in the Gulf

Since the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20nd BP has dumped over a million gallons of Corexit dispersant into the Gulf of Mexico.  Corexit dramatically increases the toxicity of crude oil to aquatic life.  The EPA has acted with reckless disregard for the evidence by allowing BP to continue this unsafe and ineffective practice.

Research clearly demonstrates that dispersants are extremely toxic, and that instead of mitigating the damage caused by the oil spill, they amplify the absorption of deadly hydrocarbons into plant and animal life.

Furthermore, dispersants do not enhance the biodegradation of crude oil. To the contrary, they prevent surface accumulation of crude oil by accelerating its diffusion into the water column where it will do the most short term and long term damage. This approach is fueled by a desire to mitigate not the damage to the environment, but the "image" of those who are responsible for the disaster.

Dispersants also pose an immediate health threat to disaster relief workers and residents in the region, as they adversely affect the air quality by entering wind currents and by accelerating the evaporation of other toxic compounds from the crude oil.

Learn more about dispersants here

Elected officials must protect the Gulf of Mexico and Americans who make it their home. Tell Congress to halt the use of dangerous dispersants and employ less harmful and more effective methods of disaster mitigation.
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