Stop the cormorants' torture!

  • von: Sasha Bonina
  • empfänger: For president of the Republic of Belarus Lukashenko Alexander Grigoryevich

This Tuesday, on the 19th of 2012, we were informed that the ornithologists found almost 100 cormorant chicks with their beaks cut off on the island in Chashnitsky region of the Vitebskaya oblast.
Almost one hundred little cormorants were on the island near the fishery "Novolukomlsky" of the Chashnitsky region. Suffering birds were hiding in the grass and sitting in the bushes. 
We believe that this barbarian and flaying action is not to be left without punishment!
Until it is too late, we demand that you began an investigation to find out who committed this awful action and to punish them properly!
We demand you as well to:
- Prohibit spring hunt for water fowl and to shorten the list of ducks allowed to hunt at.
- Not to enlarge the list of undesirable birds species and not to set the birds of prey into this list.
- To make measures to avoid reiteration of the situation in the - Novolukoml with cormorants and to allow cormorants regulation and control only on the territory of fisheries. 
Best regards, hoping sincerely for your help

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