Freedom for Pavel Durov!

    Freedom for Pavel Durov!

    Pavel Durov created the only free network and messenger in the world, Telegram! His principles have always been: freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, no censorship or moderation. No one in the world can hack Telegram, read it, or violate our privacy and our rights. That's why they want to lock him up in prison! Lock him up for a long time, and along with that, destroy the last island of freedom in the information world! We must fight for the freedom of Pavel Durov and for the freedom of Telegram! If we lose, we will no longer have hope for freedom!
    - We demand an end to the illegal detention of Pavel Durov!
    - We demand an end to the fabricated and fictitious case against Pavel Durov!
    - We demand the release of Pavel Durov!
    - We demand an end to any persecution of Pavel Durov!

    Support our fight!
    Put a unique NFT logo with Pavel Durov on Twitter (X), Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit, WhatsApp, YouTube and TikTok. Show the world that you are for freedom of speech, for freedom of the Internet and for freedom for Pavel Durov!
    You can download a unique NFT logo of our fight here -
    All proceeds will go to advertising (banners, petition promotion, creation of new petitions, rallies, printing of materials, etc.) in all countries where we find support.
    Together we can do everything, together we will free Pavel Durov!
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