Demand an End to killing Dogs and Cats in USA Shelters, Now !5

    The Shelter Crisis and killing of healthy . It is aff and Cats, Puppies and Kittens is REAL and worsening DAILY in USA. Since the Pandemic it has grown to unsustainable and unacceptable proportions with many animal Shelters killing simply due to lack of kennel space. With excuses such as a cold, or kennel stress, catchpole injuries caused when a stray dog was caught on the street by Animal Control Officers or ACO's. Why should a dog be euthanized because an ACO was heavy handed and injured the dog whilst catching him or her. This is happening more and more and Shelters are using it as a reason to euthanize. This is unacceptable. There are 10,000 Puppy Mills and countless Backyard Breeders across the States in the US. They are overbreeding for profit and flooding everywhere with Dogs which are then dumped on the streets or into Shelters as Owner Surrenders by fickle owners. For each Dog or Cat Surrendered another Dog or Cat will be euthanized to make space at the Shelter. Some Shelters by Law cannot turn away an owner Surrender animal and this causes mass DAILY euthanasia of healthy, adoptable Dogs and Cats. Over 10,000 Dogs and 10,000 Cats are euthanized DAILY in Shelters across America. That's EVERY DAY. Adding up to millions a year. It's devastating to see the daily euthanasia lists on Instagram that Volunteer networkers Post daily to try to get the Dogs and Cats seen to save their lives. In the US the current system is that a Rescue has to pull a Dog or Cat from a Shelter, but they need a plan and Foster in place ready to take the Dog or Cat, Puppies or Kittens. No Foster, then the Dog or Cat will be killed unless Adopted or Fostered. People pledge money to try to stop the killing of the Dogs and Cats, but no matter how much money is raised ready to help the animal, if no Foster is willing to Foster them, then they are euthanized. If the Government SHUT DOWN the 10,000 Puppy Mills and Backyard breeders a few at a time and confiscated all the animals, and by Law prevented the people running them from starting up again, it would reduce numbers massively and humanely because LESS Dogs and Cats would be BORN. The impact this would have on Shelters meaning they would have less Dogs and Cats entering the Shelter therefore euthanasia wouldn't need to happen. The Government must also stop selling and issuing Breeders Licenses immediately to help reduce numbers. Plus, implement easily accessible FREE Spay and Neuter programs in every State to reduce numbers humanely. ALL of these solutions are achievable, so why are they not being used? Many Shelters have areas where they could build and extend their Shelter capacity to ensure they have enough space and do not need to euthanize. ALL Shelters can become 100% ZERO KILL Sanctuaries instead of the failing Shelter System that is in place currently, if the solutions are acted upon. Each State, and each District within that State must look at the solutions and implement them to allow Shelters to do their job, which is CARE FOR and PROTECT the Dogs and Cats under it's roof, and find them loving homes however long that takes, not killing them every day only to get them replaced with more due to lack of control or policing of Puppy Mills and Backyard breeders, and Licensed Breeders. The DAILY battle that Reputable Rescues have to save the euthanasia listed Dogs and Cats, som Nursing Moms is horrific and brutal. They know they cannot save them all, and watch as many amazing, stunning Dogs and Cats are killed. It is negatively affecting people's mental health and emotional well-being. It is negatively affecting whole Communities due to strays being dumped on the streets, starving and dying, and totally reliant on the kindness of strangers, and the Rescue Communities. In an exceptionally wealthy Country of USA this should not be happening. Many people in rented accommodation are willing to Adopt Dogs and Cats from Shelters but aren't allowed due to Landlords or due to excessive high insurances and extra payments they would have to make per animal to allow them to have a Dog or Cat. This could be changed to allow suitable tenants and dependent on the size of property, one or two Dogs or Cats per household from Shelters to help alleviate the Shelter Crisis and daily euthanasia issue. Why are the Mayors, Governors, Senators not looking into solutions to the Shelter Crisis ? The Shelter Crisis could be alleviated and euthanasia a thing of the past if the solutions were implemented ASAP. Please sign this petition to show your disgust at the lack of Action by the Government to figure out better solutions instead of constantly killing Dogs and Cats in Shelters. Please sign this petition to be a VOICE for the VOICELESS who are losing their lives needlessly in Shelters all over the US. Please sign this petition because its the right thing to do, and to show the US Government that it's time they did the right thing by the Dogs and Cats in Shelters that are reliant on them to do the right thing, which is to PROTECT and SAVE their lives, not kill them. Thank you for signing this petition.
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